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Better-World Project

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May 04, 2005 4:01 am BrainPower Technology Products
Frederick Mann - Better-World Project
Dear Better-World Project Members,

I'm looking for one or more partners to work with
me on the development, marketing, and distribution
of "BrainPower Technology" products in the form of
online MP3 files and/or offline CDs.

If you think you have the qualifications necessary
to work with me on this project -- which could
become an important part of creating a better
world -- please contact me. In fact, providing
individuals with the means to "upgrade their
brains" could be an essential early stage of
creating a better world.

To get an idea of the kind of products I have in
mind, see

There may be a huge potential in providing people
with products similar to the above that enable
them to use their brains/minds more effectively,
efficiently, and productively.

I have considerable interaction with thousands
of people trying to make money on the Internet.
Typically, about 98-99% of them fail miserably.
The ones who fail seem to lack the ability to
use their minds to succeed.

It also seems to me that in general about
99% of people trying to make money online
don't ask the questions they need to ask
in order to advance! Their general ability
to ask questions seems severely impaired.

If you check out Bookstar, Borders, etc.,
you'll find that the self-help section is
one of the largest. New "success" books
are published with increased frequency. The
demand seems insatioable because the books
(and related products) don't work probably
for about 98-99% of people. So they always
want to do the next "success" seminar, buy
the next book, etc.

The point is that the demand is insatiable,
whether the products and services work or
not. This also means that this is an area
of huge potential.

Are you interested in producing BrainPower
Technology products in the form of MP3 files
and/or CDs people listen to in order to
become more successful?

The following technologies could be applied
in combination:

1. "Brain Entraiment" -- Transparent Corporation


In particular, see Brain Sound Studio

A commercial license can be purchased for
$249.99, enabling the purchaser to create
his/her own products.

2. "Soundscape Software" -- Vectormedia Software


For less than $200 the programs can be purchased
to produce a wide range of "soundscapes" that
can be combined with "brain entrainment" sounds.

3. "Afformations" (with an "o")

> There's a much more powerful methodology than
> "affirmations." While affirmations may have
> some workability, *afformations* (with an "o")
> are much more powerful.
> "Noah St. John has made a great contribution
> to success methodology with his discovery of
> "afformations." Afformations are much more
> powerful than affirmations. An "afformation" is
> basically a question that engages your brain in
> a positive way. Afformations are self-empowering
> questions. Examples: "How am I going to make
> this work best for me?"; "Why am I such a big
> success?"; "What's the best question to ask
> myself right now?"; etc. As Noah says, "The
> bottom line is that questions asked of the
> mind [afformations] are far more powerful
> than statements that are tacked onto the
> mind [affirmations]." You can find out more
> about afformations at The Success Clinic
> http://www.successclinic.com/
> and at Afformations.com
> http://www.afformations.com/
> Note that using afformations would also tend
> to generally improve people's general ability
> to ask questions.

The BrainPower Technology products I have in
mind would be developed by combining "brain
entrainemnt," "soundscapes," and "afformations."

Part of our "Unique Selling Proposition" (USP)
could be that with our products you "empower
your brain just by listening to energizing
sounds that upgrade your brain while you work,
relax, or sleep!" Another part of our USP is
that we utilize afformations which are much
more powerful than affirmations.

I have about 50,000 people on my various lists
to whom we ould start selling such products.

One option would be to provide the products
in the form of downloadable MP3 files costing
about $5 each. This option doesn't involve
shipping physical products. Payment could
be via e-gold and SFIpay (automated online
payment systems).

We could include a brief message at the end
of each recording that mentions a website
address the listener can visit for more
information on our products. The website
can include a brief form to capture visitors'
names and email addresses. This way, we don't
mind if people pirate our products, because
this will result in wider distribution,
bringing more visitors to our website. We
can profit from these visitors in various

We've registered two domains:
* BrainSupercharge.com
* BrainSupercharger.com
(The second could be redirected to the first.)

See also "Insight & Focus Audio CDs"

Another option would be to produce the products
in the form of CDs. Personally, I prefer the
MP3 option. (An option to consider is to also
position the products as "advertising novelty
items" any business could use to promote its

Please let me know if you're interested in
exploring this potential business further.

Apart form earning us a great deal of money,
we may be able to bring about some real
individual improvement in the world.


Frederick Mann

Private Reply to Frederick Mann - Better-World Project (new win)

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