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Better-World Project

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Jul 22, 2004 9:28 am Mary K Weinhagen- asked me to join - Open your eyes, dump fear and egos, for we are all the same...
Laura Zaky
Hello to you all,
I'm new here. Mary K Weinhagen- asked me to join as "I thank you for your contribution Laura -- and please consider joining the Better-World Project, I believe we could use you! http://betterworld-network.ryze.com/ Namaste, --Mary K:
So here are my recent posts, Thank you Mary, I hope this is OK, as too many terms & conditions to read. Please let me know if this is not OK and I'll unsucribe.

There is lots to read here and ingest and then make your own minds up.

I was accussed of being anti this or anti that so just for the record, I am prepeared to stand up and speak/inform and share. I do not live in fear.

Media is media and hype is what they are paid for but some of the things that come out are too true and we as discerning adults need to be aware. Then we can research and make our own decisions on what we think and do with the information given. There is then no fear; which is what lots of what is happening is about to keep us in fear. What have we to fear? We come here we go - lets just make the most of what's in between and not be clouded by ignorance.

I simply show you the tools, how you use them is your choice.

As for being anti USA - I am anti nothing - live & let live.. I cross a divide by if you are interested being Jewish 1st married a Catholic, divorced - major sin according to his mother! - re married - another major sin according to x's mother - a Muslim oh dear, our children are therefore 100% Jewish & 100% Muslim.

For me as I told my dad at the age of 5 is about LOVE and only LOVE so who ever I marry will LOVE me and I will LOVE them we have up's & down's just like everybody else, neither of us practice religion so there is no issues for us. He looks after our children and is a Registered Child Minder and I work full time. Our families love each other what more.......

For what it is worth in my opinion, I believe that we are manipulated by inner governments and they have VERY hidden agendas, I have believed this for as long as I care to remember, only now am I finding like - minded people who are coming from the same place as me in thought If this rocks you foundations I am sorry for this and hope that you will see I'm not coming from a "stirring it" place.

So what am I getting at? - Just simply to inform you so that you can form an opinion and make you own mind up, I have.

I was pointed to this article from the British Medical Journal "Bush To Screen Everyone For 'Mental Illness'

There are many articles on here about all sorts of things now you know you can have an opinion and not fear what may be out there.

I also wanted to share:

Torturing Children By William Rivers Pitt t r u t h o u t | Perspective



Thought that you may enjoy this:

The Chains of Fear by Patricia Cori www.sirianrevelations.net - Author of Cosmos of the Soul, Atlantis Rising & No More Secrets, No More Lies.

Who wouldn’t admit to being afraid of that dark place that our so-called leaders, self-declared ‘men of peace’, are taking the whole of the human race? Who cannot recognize the signs of our earth’s rebellion against the abuse that has stripped the planet’s resources, blackened the seas and destroyed the great forests – our soul, our source, our life breath? The animals are dying, the atmosphere is being torn apart, and our hopes for a greater humanity are drowning in the din of human indifference and despair.

We have created such imbalance upon this magnificent planet that the Great Whales and the Dolphins, the music makers of the seas, are beaching themselves en masse, for the excruciating sonar tests being performed in the name of military ‘weapons testing’ are ripping through their majestic bodies, exploding their aural cavities, destroying the harmonies of the oceans.

They have simply lost their way, as has man.

Crouched in our fear of all that is happening around us, where we have been and where we are headed, we buy into the negativity and sensationalistic media reports of dark things and evil forces eradicating all that is decent and good in the world. We fear for the future, for the children, for our very lives. We feel helpless, doomed and victimized by those who are driven by hatred, revenge and the insanity of tearing down our accomplishments in the name of the non-existent ideals of government, religion and race. We bemoan the global situation, resign ourselves, and give away our power, believing that we are helpless and cannot change the realities unfolding about us.

I say it is time now to transform this gripping fear into its higher vibration – one of alertness and a keen instinct. Let us take charge of our world, becoming acutely aware of our thoughts, our words and deeds and be responsible for what we put out into the ethers. Let us stand for our beliefs and yet be open to those of others, fearless in our commitment to change the world – a world we know can be better.

Let us question the drivers of war and suppression, speaking out fearlessly and with great determination. Let us heal the wounds, rather than drive the killing sword into the hearts of men. Let us be the greatness that is our birthright as human beings. Let us be noble, beautiful …free.

Now is the time to test your comfort zones and move beyond them. Get off of the chair and into the stream of consciousness where those who stand for you are moved to action. Refuse to be manipulated by the machines and messengers of the power. Voice your resistance, write letters, be involved. In so doing, you cannot but transform your fear and the complacency that it evokes into positive action and a focused approach.

Stand for the whole of humanity, joining in the community of peaceful protest … and do something important every day of your life.

There is no room for fear now. There is no room for rage. Only the heightened sense that we must take back what we have blindly given over to the avengers in the name of ‘Justice’.

Only we can break the chains of our fear and obedience.
Only we can break the chains.

Well that is enough of that, I hope this has helped with outing the fear now you have an opinion. I send Love & Light to all dark/misguided places and wish for us all to have Peace & Love with in the human collective.

Wishing you all

Love,Sunshine & Laughter


Laura J. Zaky
Founder & Organiser of Friends In Focus
A spiritual group for like-minded people who want to make a difference.
+44 (0)7989 300641

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